Cascading parameters provides a way to share data and behavior from ancestor components to child components without having to manually pass parameters down in intermediate components. Components can access the data it needs without requiring parent components to manage data dependencies. In this article, we will explore using cascading parameters, along with event delegation, in order to share data throughout a component tree.
ReadData-binding is a useful concept and tool. In practice, data-binding lets Blazor developers manage and manipulate local component state and rest easy knowing the component UI is always working with, and reflecting the current state. The problem, data-binding does not work with state shared across components. In this article, we explore event delegation. A technique for handling state changes and for sharing state across components.
ReadData-Binding. It's the magical glue that binds an application's UI to its business model. Or, more formally, It's a process for updating UI when application state changes and vice versa, keeping the state in sync with changes occurring in the UI. Blazor supports data-binding, but to what extent?
ReadIntellisense, type definitions, tooling, and documentation. A few of the benefits that follow from TypeScript's compile-time static type system but it's not all good news. There are some drawbacks. For starters, the type checking, and thus type safety, occur at compile time. What about Runtime type safety?